
I provide services for freshly founded but also well-established entrepreneurs, who do care, that the provided service also has added personal value.

Tax counselling

I am specializing in value added tax and income tax in the national and international context and in customs matters. In practice, I also compile wages - labor law, in close connection with levies and wage accounting.


Company foundation

Because the tax consulting and accounting are closely related to the commercial law I provide also services related to the foundation of Limited Liability Company, registration of company changes in the Business Register and related services.


Registered seat

I provide the registered seat in the buildings, the owners of which are partners of CHSlovakia, s. r. o. This will ensure trouble-free shipments processing and sending of email notifications.


Software Development

To be able to cover responsibly all areas of my work it was necessary to automate repetitive activities that are frequent because of the nature of my work and I therefore develop business applications.


Advertising and marketing

It matters to me that my service carries not just content but form as well. With this, I coordinate my ideas with professional and I work closely together with a creative designer.



Tax report

Tax counselling

Foundation deed

Company foundation

Sublease of premises

Registered seat

CORE | bankruptcy and restructuring

Software development

DraAu | auctions

Software development

Advertising and marketing

Advertising and marketing


CHSlovakia, s. r. o.

Radlinského 1730
Dolný Kubín
026 01

Tel. +421 903 761 292